Objective: Have you wanted to do something worthwhile, incredible or important, but didn’t know where to start? By the end of this post, I encourage you to write down at least (1) thing you will accomplish this week, this month or this year. The only rule – it has to be just for you.

I always thought this would be a book. I always wanted to name the damn book before I started writing it down from start to finish. I have scraps of paper and journals all over, half empty and other notes crammed into the bindings; always loving reading & writing. So many diaries as a child and salvaged odd memoirs in boxes kept in my youth. Here you can find inspiration if you are struggling with self acceptance, your sexual identity and self worth.

One gorgeous sunny day on a porch swing, the round pillow propped under my neck, I lay staring out at the ocean. It had been three solid days alone and independent with my own thoughts (something that I rarely get these days with a toddler). The thought replayed in my mind like a scratched vinyl record, I was just born to be a wild animal, feral and deeply instinctual. How can I ever achieve this feeling on a regular basis to soothe my soul in our over-civilized society? I wanted to scream. Writing a book about it, just won’t do, -at least right now anyway. I need something more tech, more savvy, more me, more progressive… A blog. It’s been a loooooooooong journey of deciding where and when to start sharing, but I always come back to being inspired by nature, something delicious I tasted or catching ASMR vibes from someone. Finally, I feel worthy enough to be my own inspiration. I am good enough.

I often have the urge to open up to someone who knows me (or I trust can handle knowing the real me) and yet I hold back. I practice restraint from revealing what I am truly thinking. I mold it into something more appropriate for a work or social networking setting. I nod and say nothing at all. I feel like a caged lioness in this situation. Not sure if I should scratch and roar or just tuck my tail between my legs are run away. F*ck that.

Like so many other women I have met along the way on my journey, I know I’m not alone. I intend to share my unique gifts of connection, transformation and passion for living a fulfilling and pleasure centered life to other women. Join me!